Hey folks! I am Becky and welcome to my health journey! This is my way to share my experiences, the success and failures of trying to lose weight and develop a healthier lifestyle.
In 2011, I joined the Army I spent three years living on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii where I completed my first, and only, marathon. After Hawaii I spent two years living in Southern Germany. While in Europe, I was able to travel to multiple different countries and explore some of the most beautiful places in the world! Unfortunately, my weight started to creep up during that time as my lifestyle became less and less healthy.
After I was honorably discharged from the military in spring of 2017, I started school at Boise State University. I quickly joined the women’s rugby team and started training that fall. But, playing a physically demanding sport was not enough to fill the voids in my life. I still continued to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle and relationship with myself. When I graduated in the spring of 2019, I had put on more than 40 pounds and only a little bit was muscle.
I completed the Bataan Memorial death march in New Mexico that same year, thinking it would be the change that I needed to turn the corner. Unfortunately, it was not. As I started working full time, my lifestyle continued to be a problem and working out became less and less important.
Now 5 years later, I am finally in the right place to fix the trajectory of my life. I want to live a long and healthy life. I want to lift weights and be active into the outdoors until the day I die. Which will probably in my 90’s. I’ve been working really hard on healing my mental and emotion sides and am ready to shed these extra pounds that are slowing me down physically. Please join me on this crazy journey of creating the life I want to live and finding my path through the good and bad of life.
Feel free to follow my journey on this blog or on my logs on YouTube!